Open pit mining is the process of mining a peat deposit by means of a deep pit excavated using one horizontal bench. One of the challenging problems for surface mining operation optimization is

Peat itself is a valuable resource both as fuel and as a horticultural growth medium. More minor uses include use as a health product for bathing (known as peat balneology), and as an absorbent in nappies (diapers) and sanitary products. Peat extraction inevitably results in a large-scale change in the nature of the peatland.

Request full-text PDF. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the author. ... Triggered by applications of the two current peat mining companies to extent ...

The peat's geochemistry has thus been influenced by regional mining, forestry, and agricultural activities, creating a strong social imprint. Collectively, these results reveal a long-standing human influence on the ecosystem of the Caroux that has existed for at least 1900 years and has become stronger over the last 200 years.

Runoff water quality from a peat mine was studied during 1995 and 1996 in Central Finland. Water samples from three drained sub-catchments and groundwater were analysed for all the standard physio ...

the daily measurements and the maintenance of equipment at Pohjansuo peat mine. The English text was checked by my friends Bryan Mosey and Annette Semadeni-Davies. Finally, thanks goes to my friends, Petteri, Cintia and Bryan and my parents and brother, for their support and encouragement. Thank you all very much :-) Lund in November 1997 …

There is an international call to recognize the true ecological value of peat and to work towards comprehensive protection of peatlands. The science has spoken. This outdated …

Mining alters the physicochemical properties of peat, increasing the pH and amount of humified materials by exposing highly decomposed peat, and it causes nutrient deficiency for the microorganisms by removing inorganic compounds (e.g., P, K, and Na); this, in turn, exerts a response in the methane-cycling microorganisms with …

Oil sands deposits accessible by open-pit surface mining cover about 475,000 ha of boreal Alberta, 99% of which is already leased ().Currently, 10 mines have government approval to operate, covering about 167,044 ha ().This is a conservative estimate that excludes the pipelines, roads, seismic lines, and other infrastructure that support the mines.

Our resources share the knowledge gathered by IUCN's unique global community of 18,000+ experts. They include databases, tools, standards, guidelines and policy recommendations.

Sketch-map of the eastern United States, with peatlands discussed in the text indicated by a fllled-in, black circle, and peat lands that are merely mentioned in the text marked with …

Peat amendments enhanced the leaching of As from gold mine tailings. Amendments of 5% peat promoted As(V) leaching, whereas 10% peat increased As(III) leaching. As(III) was predominant at ≥20 mg L −1 dissolved organic C from peat. Mine drainage treatment sludge could decrease As concentrations by 65 to 80% in tailings' …

Peatlands are wet environments, so the mining of peat may affect the quantity and quality of both surface and ground waters. The principal effects on surface water are impacts on …

(a–c) Illustrate the impact of mining (drainage with the top peat layer removed) on a natural peatland and the response of restoration (rewetting and the establishment of a Sphagnum moss layer).

Marjorie G. Winkler. Calvin B DeWitt. University of Wisconsin–Madison. Abstract and Figures. In this paper we present documentation for the realistic assessment of the concept of peat as an...

Many countries have strict rules when it comes to mining peat moss. For example, any peat harvested in Canada is carefully analyzed first whether it has any long-term effect on the environment. …

The recent development of peatlandrestoration activities indicates thatmodern peat mining techniques seriouslyhamper the natural capacity of bogecosystems to regenerate after adisturbance. However, some plants have theability to colonize dry peat deposits, andseem to help stabilize the soil surface andfacilitate the establishment of other plantspecies. In …

2 Citations. Abstract. Peat plays an important role in the energy systems of the Nordic countries. The largest reserves of peat are in Canada and Russia. It has been a …

Question: Which restoration measures (introduction of donor diaspore material, application of straw mulch, alteration of residual peat depths) contribute to the establishment of a fen plant community on minerotrophic surfaces after peat mining? Location: Rivière-du-Loup peatland, southern Québec, Canada at 100 m a.s.1. Methods: The effectiveness of …

When mining projects or other developments lead to the draining of peatlands, the peat dries out and becomes more susceptible to fire, which can release huge amounts of greenhouse gases. These fires …

Full Text: SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO. 27 6. Completion of Reclamation "The acceptance of mined-out land as reclaimed should be done on a ... peat mining requires that additional information be included in mining permits. Table lil (in …

In this paper we present documentation for the realistic assessment of the concept of peat as an energy alternative in the United States. A proposal to mine peat in …

Peat that's burned for energy is a major greenhouse gas emissions source in Finland, which aims to become net zero by 2035. Peat mining is also a leading cause of habitat loss in the country. Tero Mustonen is the 2023 winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize for Europe for his efforts to stop peat mining and joins Host Steve Curwood to …

Peat is a renewable resource, continuing to accumulate on 60% of global peatlands. However, the volume of global peatlands has been decreasing at a rate of 0.05% …

In Canada, by contrast, peat isn't used as a fuel, and its sheer acreage in less populated areas works in favor of its mining. Canada is the second-largest country on Earth and has 25 percent of ...

Open-pit mining is the process of mining a peat deposit by means of a deep pit excavation using one horizontal bench [2]. One of the challenging problems of the open-pit mining operation is ...

Soil hydraulic conductivity of the drained sites (median hydraulic conductivities: 3.3 × 10 −5 m/s, 2.9 × 10 −8 m/s and 8.5 × 10 −8 m/s for the forests, the cultivated site and the peat extraction area, respectively) was predicted better by land use option than by soil physical parameters. Detailed physical measurements were ...

The harvesting of peat moss used by gardeners and the nursery industry to improve drainage and retain water in soil contributes to climate change, according to an Oregon State University Extension ...

Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Download full-text PDF ... to mine peat in north-central Florida provides the framework from which a community worksheet for the evaluation of a peat-mining ...

potential hydrologic impacts of peat mining, because there are differences in both horizontal (Romanov, 1968) and vertical water-flow in peat and in the mineral soil below the peat.

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